Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Week 7 - 20lbs Lighter (Written July 10, 2011)

The Beginning
My mom and I started Weight Watchers® on Tuesday May 24, 2011. I couldn't understand just how much my life would change from that day on. I'd been overweight since I graduated high school and when I went to college things went from bad to worse. 

(Left to right) Mom and Me
When I went to my first weigh-in at Weight Watchers® I was 267lbs (I started college around 232lbs). I'm 5'10" so I may not look like what people think of when they hear the word obese, but medically I was and things had to change. I didn't have high blood pressure or diabetes thank god! But both run in my family and I knew I was at risk.I wanted to eat right but living at home where no one wanted to change their habits and I had no teacher I felt stuck.

The Back Story
A little back story on my life after college: I was at a daycare, which I hated for various reasons. My self-esteem was terribly low, I was extremely depressed and just didn't know what could help make the difference. Bills had to be paid I needed money and happiness was nowhere insight. After an incident I quit my job at the daycare center and began pursuing my two life passions: working in an LGBT Center and Filmmaking. I notice a change in how I thought about things but not everything changed. Fact was I was still overweight or dare I say obese and I was going out more but nothing was really changing.

So then a combination of a un-supportive fiancee and Jennifer Hudson lead my mom to come ask me to join Weight Watchers® with her. I was wary since twice previously when I tried to change our eating habits she stopped within one week. I was trying to be healthy on my own but with no nutritional background and not understanding that even seemingly healthy things weren't healthy for me in the quantities I was eating them. These factors  lead me to give up and just go with the unhealthy flow.

Jennifer Hudson is an Awesome Role Model
When we joined Weight Watchers® everything changed. I wasn't alone or waiting for my mom to give up so I could follow her. I had the tools to be my own personal nutritionist (without the degree) and trainer. So it began. The PointsPlus system has been a fantastic tool for helping me make the right decisions when eating. It was like budgeting but I used the awesome Weight Watchers® eTools service so the calculations are done for me, once I type in what I've eaten. It helps me eat smaller(or normal size) portions, more fruits and veggies, and curb out the unhealthy eating habits I use to have. 

Old Eating Habits

The recipe catalog is huge so I've been cooking for myself more often and the results are showing...on the scale anyway. I have yet to start my exercise routine but I I've been doing little changes including more walking, taking stairs and/or walking/running up escalators and I've noticed I'm not out of breath as much as I use to be. Some times I can walk all the way up and breathe just fine depending on how many stairs and how steep. I push myself a little more everyday when it comes to activity. I'll eventually find a workout plan that fits my needs and interest (badminton is what I'm looking for currently).

So I gave a whole background history on myself now to it is time to reveal what has changed since I started Weight Watchers® 7 weeks ago. To begin my weight lost has been tremendous, by my standards anyway. Since starting Weight Watchers® I have lost 20.6lbs!
So I currently weight 246.4lbs. And with that weight loss came a multitude of changes: I've been so positive! I haven't felt like this in years! My self-esteem has skyrocketed! I've been bolder, standing up for myself, feeling so confident and just making amazing progress as far as getting my life together. 
5% Certificate
I have lost 5% of my starting weight and my Weight Watchers® leader gave me a certificate which hangs in my room as a reminder of how strong I am and that I can loose this weight, be healthy and feel good about myself. I'm excited about the 10% award which is a key chain (I'll add a picture when I get it) and I'm only 6lbs away from it! I treat my meetings as a class. If I lose weight I get an A, if I don't it motivates me to work harder the next week. In the 7 weeks I've been on Weight Watchers® I've only gained once which is great because it helped me experience what those days will be like and how to manage my feelings about them. 
Interesting Quote
As I continue on my journey I will earmark my achievements and failures because both of them are going to help me grow into the person I want to be and know I can be.

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